Save The City
Save The City was a development in my University of Baltimore class Frontiers of Game Design COSC 440. Class project was to work within a group to develop a game using Xbox Kinect in tandum with Unity Zigfu.
About: Save The City is an action defender game were the player weilds/controlls with their hands two protective rainbow spheres. Use your mighty handed rainbow spheres to block, wave, and swipe the meteors away. How long can you defend the city from this raining barrage? Test your heroic abilities in Save The City!
Development: Development was tricky. Not only were we as a team getting to know Unity, but we were introduced to the Zigfu plugin. Zigfu utilizes the Xbox Kinect hardware to work in tandum with Unity game engine. Of course we could have used the whole body as a player controller, yet using just the two hands as a player controller seemed feasible and simple enough to create something engaging and fun. In the end, we were able to create a working game with zero bugs and with win/lose conditions.
Software: Unity, 3Ds Max, Zigfu, Fruityloops
Role: Programmer. I spent my time helping to program. I focused on UI and interactive elements, as well as debugging and compiling all the assets into the game.