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For my class Level Design COSC 370 our overall project was to come to together in groups and create a mod for the game of our choice. As one can see, we chose Skyrim for our mod.


 About: The story behind our mod is that the village of Bristol along the Bristol Ridge has been afflicted with a plague. It's up to you the player to find out what's causing the sickness and eradicate the problem.


Development: The design for the mod was split up between four of us. I took part in creating the entire exterior village, village npc's, delagating AI packages, nav meshing, coding the quest, compiling all of our assets, and connecting our mod to the Skyrim overworld. My team mates created the interior house spaces, enemy npc's, npc voices, story writing, and both mine/dungeon levels.


Everything was new for us and it was exciting to create such a project for the first time using the creation kit.

Prince of Pestilence (Sick Village) - Skyrim Mod

© 2015- designed and created by Samuel Silverman

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